
Problem Statements

Improving Education Delivery and learning outcome for specially abled children

This problem statement is all about making such powerful systems that improve learning outcome for specially abled students in different categories including mental and physical disability areas. Objective of this problem statement is to develop innovative application which assist better education delivery for specially abled children, so that the learning becomes more effective, absorbed fully and enhanced quality of knowledge for the specially abled student. It could touch upon any aspects that enhance accessibility for the students in the areas like hearing, visualizing, interpreting, reproducing the knowledge they learn in schools/colleges.

Mathematics without pen and paper

students aren’t able to perform well due to lack of effective and innovative means of teaching. mathematics induces power of reasoning, creativity, problem solving ability and effective communication skills.

Inclusive play areas for physically challenged

The current playground designs do not attract the children with disabilities and fail to accommodate their needs. everyone deserves to experience the thrill of meaningful joy of physical play.

Board games for visually impaired

The visually impaired have unique visual needs that require attention, even in fun activities and games. but, currently, they have very few options available. there are 285 million visually impaired people all over the world. they need recreational activities and board games are a great way to do it.